Tucker | KRP Real Senior

I had the chance to spend an evening this past summer doing a senior session with Tucker. Not only is he a hard working, well-spoken young man, but he’s also a pretty fantastic Cross Country athlete. At the time of the session my son was on the fence about joining the XC team, himself, and after talking to Tucker and his mom about it, I knew I could convince him to give it a “go”. My son ended up joining the team and would tell me about how one of the really nice high school boys would help the middle school students and encourage them. I don’t know how many of you spend time with seniors, but let me tell you…THAT is awesome. He made such a good impression on P and I am so grateful for that.

In addition to being kind and athletic, he also knew how to work the camera. He pretty much rocked this session (so did Jackson!)!

Senior session with dog | Kelly Rhoades Photography
Senior Boy | Kelly Rhoades Photography
Senior Session | Kelly Rhoades Photography
Senior Photography | Kelly Rhoades Photography
Senior Boy | Kelly Rhoades Photography
Cross Country Senior Session | Kelly Rhoades Photography
Track Senior Session | Kelly Rhoades Photography
Cross Country Senior Pictures | Kelly Rhoades Photography
Track Senior Session | Kelly Rhoades Photography