I was sitting here, trying to remember when I first met Grace. It had to have been about ten years ago. I was waiting for my daughter to finish ballet class when I saw a little girl scoot from one studio to the next. I did a double take because I would have SWORN it was my friend’s daughter. I kept looking at her, trying to figure out if it was, in fact, her, when she called another woman mom. At that point, I was feeling like mom probably thought I was a creep, so I actually told her I thought it was someone else. She replied by saying, “Kendall?” Ha! Apparently I wasn’t the first one to think they looked alike ;-)
Now, fast forward all these years and Grace is a SENIOR. It seems really hard to believe. Not only is she a SUPER sweet young lady, but she is also an exquisite dancer. We were able to get some really fun dance shots during our time together.
Read on to find out more about Grace!!